Monday, April 9, 2012


The social gaming sensation that's sweeping the nation is Draw Something. If you haven't experienced this mobile artistic phenomenon let me enlighten you on how it works. You draw something. And your friends guess it. Like this:

After guessing your drawing your friend sends you a drawing. And round and round we go. Now I use the word "drawing" loosely here. You pretty much send your friends whatever you can smudge on your phone screen with your finger. (Unless you happen to be fortunate enough to have a's a little easier that way...) It's an app that you can play on iOS or Android and it's downright hilarious. This game is way too ridiculous. But, for such a ridiculous game I have to say- I have learned many things since I started playing. Number one...I spend way too much time on meaningless sketches when a simple line drawing will do. I like to doodle. Sue me. I like a background color and highlights and things that are completely unnecessary for a mobile game. Color me odd. (No, really. Next time you get the word "odd", draw me. I'll get it.) Number two...I will also almost always wait for my friends to finish their drawing before I guess. I love to see their thought process.  (Draw a line. No wait! My brush is too big! Erase. Draw again. What am I doing?? Trash that. Ok, now I have it. No wait! Why am I drawing a blue face?? Try again. I definitely have it...) This game has endeared me to my friends so much that I just have to give some of them honorable mention. So congratulations to the following...

Spelling fail
So sorry, Kristine, that you thought "Iceberg" was spelled "Iceburg" and subsequently could not guess this word. I love you and you're the cutest and the prettiest anyway so who even cares? Spelling is for wimps. 

(I, too, am guilty of this one while guessing. Assassin isn't the easiest word to spell....right? right?)

Pop culture fail
I went retro Tin Tin on this one, which in hindsight might have been a bad idea. I should have drawn two tin cans or something...but you have to love the lack of "chat" function that makes writing messages out to your friends almost as fun as drawing the pictures in the first place! 

"I haven't seen Tin Tin yet, lol, Sorry!"

Color Fail
If you're going to develop the most popular new game this year (50 million dowloads in 50 days! What!??) you might want to make it a little less glitchy. However, if it was a little less glitchy I wouldn't get sweet, hand-written notes like this! Sorry, friend...that  all of your colors went "poof"! 

I have also learned that no matter how many times I guess correctly and Draw Something tells me that I'm "Drawsome" I never get sick of hearing that I'm "Drawsome". Thank you, Draw Something. I was having a bad day. I was feeling quite "drawful" but now? Things are looking up.  

If you haven't tried this game, try it. If you have tried it and are addicted to it (I do NOT fall into this category. I do not presently have 18 games. I do not contemplate deleting it and forgetting about it on a daily basis. None of those statements apply to me. I'm just saying...if YOU'RE addicted to it...) my deepest sympathies. It's a heavy burden to bear. Do you remember when drawing games were no pressure? They were squares on a board and tiny white sheets of paper and minuscule pencils and groups of friends screaming at the top of their lungs and "all plays"... (Yeah, neither do I) So, to whomever the genius is who developed this game...kudos. Such a simple concept, but so much fun. And, to my friends who I'm nudging...well, nudging is fun. You get  honorable mention here as well. Consider this the mother of all nudges...the public nudge. 

And for those of you nudging me? I get it! I get it! I'm busy! I'm blogging...I'm just gonna delete this game and forget about it!!! (But really? Thanks for the reminder. I'll draw


  1. Lisa, you are so hilarious! I accidentally call it "Draw With Friends" on a daily basis.

  2. "Draw with Friends" would be a bit better than the bland (yet accurately described) "Draw Something". Make that suggestion to their marketing team before Facebook buys the game for a BILLION dollars, like they probably will...
    And, thanks. :)

  3. I love the hand written note about the colors <3
